ARC Pump Coatings

Pump Coatings

​​​​ARC Efficiency & Protective Coatings (ARC EPC), a business line of A.W. Chesterton Company, provides industrial coating products widely used for rotating process equipment applications, including, but not limited to, pumps, mixers, fans, rotary lock valves, and centrifuges. 

The ARC EPC team delivers expertise on the use and application of coatings to protect equipment against corrosive, erosive, and abrasive forces found in both wet-and-dry flow applications. Whether you are looking to protect or restore industrial equipment, the ARC EPC line of protective coatings is right for you.

View product pages on the ARC website:

​Read more about ARC metal coatings for Pump Efficiency and Pump Repair on the ARC Industrial Coatings web site​.​