General Bearing Seal (GBS)

Chesterton General Bearing Seal (GBS)
Severe-Duty, Positive Face Seal for Bearing Protection

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Chesterton's General Bearing Seal includes positive-contacting face seals that minimize atmospheric contaminants from migrating into the housing area.

The use of simple lip seals in process pump applications typically creates a vicious cycle of unnecessary downtime as lip seals groove the shaft, progressively losing their compressive seal as well as damaging the shaft.  Chesterton's General Bearing Seal (GBS) eliminates grooving on the shaft, improves MTBM, and increases the overall reliability of the gearbox.​

Positive face seal
Non-fretting to equipment
No vacuum concerns
Easy installation
Anodized corrosion protection
​Sizes25 mm to 100 mm
(0.750" to 4.50")
Pressure Limit1 bar g (15 psig*)
Temperature Limit120° C (250° F)
Shaft Speed(3600 RPM)



Technical Material Reference (English) Material Reference (English)pdf
Brochure: Chesterton Bearing Protection (English) Chesterton Bearing Protection (English)pdf
Article: What is the impact of reliability on the sealing system energy footprint from pump shut down, repair and re-commissioning? (English) is the impact of reliability on the sealing system energy footprint from pump shut down, repair and re-commissioning.pdfArticle: What is the impact of reliability on the sealing system energy footprint from pump shut down, repair and re-commissioning? (English)pdf
Catalog: Mechanical Seal (Espanol) Mechanical Seal (Espanol)pdf
Chesterton: Catalogue of Products (Italiano) Catalogue of Products (Italiano)pdf